Thursday, September 25, 2008


At some time or another I may have mentioned my scrawney little black cat whose called Jazmin. She is a smart kitty and very generous too boot. She has on separate ocassions brought in to me fine gifts~~uncountable lizzards with and without tails, some I could rescue and others she ate. Other times , two to be exact I've been awarded little soft gray moles with funny little feet and blind eyes. They weren't hard to catch, but I'm always scared that they might bite. I got those out alive.
Next came the small slithery things that are black-brown, aggressive, and mean when they get older and bigger~~baby moccasins. They were born out in the little depression in my back yard that most times has water in it. The first time she came in with one, Christopher was living here and finally woke up after I called and called him at the top of my lungs. I was standing by the bed holding the thing down by the neck with a thing that I pick up objects with. Good ole grandson~~he got rid of that one for me. The next time I was alone and had to do it myself. That was one dead smake!

The worst ones were the birds. I was able to cover the first bird that she dropped in my sleeping face with the sheet, jump and turn off the ceiling fan, put the cat in the bathroom and yell for Chris again. He took the little female cardinal out and she was frightened, but all right. The next time was not so easily done and she ate the thing.

Tonight, earlier that usual, she came in meowing loudly with a mouth full of large mouse~~proud as punch. I grabbed her and fortunately the lid was off the kitchen trash can for I took her to it and shook and bounced her till she dropped that thing. I got the bag out and sealed it and outside to the big can that was waiting for the truck in the am. I think it was already dead.

In order to make sure that the lady wasn't scarred by my ingratitude, I picked my kitty up and she is now holding court over my computer and keyboard at the present time. She doesn't seem to much worse for the wear. I guess this is just one more thing that I will remember for awhile~~a long while.


Liz said...

I wondered what you were doing last night. I saw the light in the garage when I went down to do my nightly "house check". I would say she earned a special treat for her latest gift. Maybe thats the one we've been looking for!

JSG said...

I could've used her over here. My two worthless cats slept their days away while a foot-long tree rat took up residence in our attic crawl space. The "rodent exclusion" cost me $180, but they caught the little booger. At least your gal earns her keep!

EJG said...

Ditto JSG's comment. Our cats can't even be bothered looking out the window at the bird feeder, anymore. And we bought it for THEM!